Contact: Susan Rack
Online Registration
Brookline Avenue Playground
575 Brookline Ave
Brookline , MA 02445
United States of America

Rotary's Dog Day is one of our major fun & fundraising events of the year.  It will be held at the Brookline Avenue Playground on Sunday, Oct 22nd with a raindate of Sunday, Oct 29.

Tickets for the event are available at DOGDAY TICKETDog Owners who participate in the Green Dog Program will receive a discount on admission.  Volunteers can sign up at DOGDAY VOLUNTEER (same as on the left side panel).
This fun-filled, family event will host local vendors, games, and food for dogs and people. Click here to GET READY FOR DOGDAY 2023. In addition to interactive  activities, the schedule for festive events is listed on our website story page.